Ciclovida and Springtime

On Mother’s Day, Inacio and Ivania from Brazil joined us for a Convivencia. They are activists for natural seeds and biked 6000 miles across South America to establish seed exchange between farmers and call to attention the injustice of the agribusiness takeover of our food system. About 30 activists gathered for food, conversation, work, and the screening of the film “Ciclovida” about their journey.

We are very busy here at Soul Fire Farm. Now that’s its Spring, there are a thousand things that should have been done yesterday. We are now delivering eggs to about 20 families each week. The hens are rotated through the green pasture regularly. We have lots of crops in the group – raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, grapes, hardy kiwi, asparagus, rhubard, peas, spinach, fava beans, radishes, onions, leeks, lettuce, chard, kale, carrots, beets, etc. There is still a danger of frost until the end of the month, so we’ll have to wait a couple of weeks for tomatoes and other yummy fruiting annuals. Our soil is tough out here and digging a single bed by hand is an afternoon’s work. We have 11 beds down and at least that many to go.

You are welcome to join us on May 29, 10-4 to dig the last of them. Let us know if you plan to come. Thanks!

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