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CSA Newsletter #2 – July 6, 2012

Contents of this Weeks Share

  • 2-3 Heads Lettuce
  • Tatsoi
  • Chinese Cabbage
  • Scallion – 1 bunch
  • Carrots – 1 bunch
  • 2 lbs Shell, sugarsnap or snow peas (do not eat the shells of shell peas)
  • Chard – 1 bunch
  • Beets or turnips – 1 bunch
  • Dill – 1 bunch
  • Parlsey – 1 bunch
  • Dozen eggs or 1 quart french lentil, tangy mustard, mung bean sprout mix

Recipe Ideas

What do I do with cooking greens? They are lovely sauteed in olive oil with a sauce made of coconut milk, tamari, chili powder, curry, turmeric, vegetable bullion, and (optional) a sweetener like honey or molasses. Turnips are also great with greens. For a sample recipe along these lines see here.

What do I do with fresh herbs? We love making pesto with any kind of herb and a green like kale, spinach, or a tender Asian green. Just blend or food process the greens with olive oil, nuts or seeds, garlic or garlic scapes, and salt. Pesto is great on pasta or bread. You can also finely chop herbs into a simple salad dressing using vinegar or lemon juice, olive oil, maple syrup, and liquid aminos (tamari). For a sample recipe along these lines see here.

Happenings on the Farm

This week we welcomed two new apprentices, Francesca and Kristin. Sadly, Francesca is only spending this one week, but has already made a permanent name in our household with her superior culinary acumen. The coconut curry greens idea above is courtesy of her. We were also graced with the exuberant dancing smiling presence of at least 60 friends and community members at our Solstice party Saturday. Highlights were Deirdre’s cooking, aerial silks performance by “Ribbon on the Sky,” and lots of paper confetti dropped on the dancers by our awesome children.

On Wednesday, the young people from “Farm to Table” visited to help with moving baby chickens to pasture and making a pesto pasta lunch. The program teaches youth how to make healthy, delicious meals and snacks with local foods. We had a wonderful conversation about the value of farming, including the importance of people whose ancestors have had land stolen from them or been stolen from land, regrowing that connection and belonging to land once again. We also talked about caring for the earth and caring for our bodies by growing food sustainably.

We have been busy sun-up to sundown on the farm. Jonah and 7-year-old Emet have successfully built a walk-in cooler using an air conditioner retrofitted with a “Coolbot” device. This will allow us to harvest vegetables at peak times and get them cool quickly. Cooled vegetables keep longer in your fridge! The women on the farm have finally gotten on top of all the weeds and all the planting. The tomatoes and cucumbers are staked and tied, and suggesting fruits.

  • We are looking for a volunteer in the Mansion neighborhood/South End willing to have another family’s share dropped off at their home for pickup later. In theory, this volunteer would not have to do anything except offer the space, however it often happens that someone forgets their share and we appreciate it if the volunteer is willing to give them a reminder phone call in this case.
  • Please return your boxes, cartons, and clear plastic bags. It’s good for the earth! Just leave them for us on Fridays.
  • We still have some chicken for sale – pasture raised, frozen, delivered, with your share. $4/lb. Birds are around 3.5 lbs. Email back if you want some.
  • CSA potluck, July 11, 4-7 PM. Hope to see you there!
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