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2021 Annual Report

In 2021, the Soul Fire Farm team continued our sacred obligation to care for the earth and her peoples. As part of our goal to “grow farmers,” we welcomed over 800 people to the land for our weeklong FIRE (Farming in Relationship with Earth) immersions and land skills workshops. We also launched the much anticipated Braiding Seeds Fellowship, a partnership with the Federation of Southern Cooperatives that provides funding and mentorship to farmers from the North and South and from the legacy and returning generations, to continue the Black-Indigenous agrarian tradition.

Flip through the graphic storytelling of Soul Fire Farm’s year in our stunning 2021 Annual Report written by Leah Penniman, Naima Penniman and Ife Kilimanjaro, designed by Nikki Pressley!

Select the “X with arrows” to view the report in full screen.
You can also view the PDF here.

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